1) Show respect whenever the National Anthem of the Philippines is being sung. This is a song in which we honour our ancestors, who risked their dear lives to liberate our country.

2) "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country"- a famous quote by John F. Kennedy. This explains that you must not only look for services and expectations from the country, but instead we must serve, to further improve the nation.

3) It is advised to buy Philippine made products so that our fellow countrymen would be able to make a good living. Doing so would increase productivity rate here in our country, and would decrease the growing poverty crisis.

4) Be proud of your Filipino race. Be proud of your nationality. Feel it through your mind and spirit that you’re a true blooded Filipino. Especially in other countries, your little acts already symbolize the Filipino people, the whole Philippines. It’s a matter of how/what you want Filipinos to be known as by your foreign folks, considerably, you represent the whole nation.

5) Treat your other fellow Filipinos with respect and equality. Whether what social class they come from, what race, we must give them the warmth of being one of us, and show them their value as a true Philippine citizen.

6) Obey the country laws. This is one of the most important, because you can be a role model to others. We must freely agree to the correct and good laws, since these can shape up our society into a more decent one. 

7) Do not be afraid to speak up for our country. If people have been discussing untrue bad points of the Philippines, we must have the courage to defend ourselves. The true points must be accepted, but fight off fake insults, like those foreigners who don’t have a REAL IDEA of the Philippines. We must remember that there is no country that is PERFECT.

8)Be a decent person. Don’t lie, don’t cheat, be hospitable, always choose the right path. When outsiders or foreigners witness such, they will realize that being a Filipino is something worth being proud of. Live up the good traits that distinguish Filipinos from other races.

9) Choose the right leaders for the right job. We must make sure that they are responsible for leading the country properly, and would not lead to corruption. When we choose our leaders during election, we are holding the fate of our country in our hands, because the leader will change the country, which can be in a good way or a bad way.

10) Put your heart in everything you do in your country. Without the love there is no meaning. Everything stated here above will not work if you do not have love for the Philippines. This is the most important value in nationalism. Love your country, and support it in every way you can.

    By:Ryan Ong

    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2012

